So two things are happening.
Salon put up a new gallery of Abu Ghraib photos. They're disturbing. Don't go look at them unless you have a few hours to feel down and out.
2) Predictably,
Michelle Malkin is balkin' (sorry). Quoth the lady:
Readers have been e-mailing all day the question the MSM needs to answer:
Why the Abu Ghraib photos, but not the Mohammed Cartoons?
We're listening...So let's all pretend that Michelle Malkin had a little bit of feeling locked within her charred, ashen heart. Wouldn't she have written at least a sentence as a disclaimer? About how maybe, just maybe, we all should feel at least a little bit bad that Our Heroic Troops, those valiant and pure-hearted demigods whom we must support at any cost, are handcuffing naked men to bedframes and penetrating them with bananas?
No, of course it doesn't. What does occur to her is to get angry at the "MSM" (let's be honest, this should't be an acronym) for publishing the photos, and then constructs a flimsy highly dubious analogy towards some bullshit that I guess she's kind of in the right about, but is completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter that nobody's publishing the Danish cartoons for a bunch of reasons, which I will quickly enumerate here:
1) Anybody who wants to see them has already done so, and
2) They're really boring, really dumb, and essentially interchangeable with any piece of racist iconography put to paper in the last 100 years.
I should point out about now that "WELL WHY DIDN'T THEY PUBLISH THE ARAB CARTOONS THEN HUH?!????!?!?!" has become to con-blogging what dissing Editors is to music criticism. Malkin herself trackbacks like 50 posts. None of them really make sense, and none of the opinions put forward are in any way useful, except to neatly distinguish around 50 people as being horrible, heartless assholes.
Fuck Michelle Malkin, honestly. I am not even going to make a joke about how hot I think she is. I'm done with her.
Actually, never mind. I can't write a serious blog post all the way through, because Seal could sue me. So here is a wonderful quote I pulled from
the perpetually gaping anus of her abysmal blog:
I'm heading home in a bit after an enjoyable event at Oberlin College kicking off the Ronald Reagan Lecture Series....
The best moment of the event came during Q&A, when an Asian-American student stood up and said she was afraid to join the College Republicans because of peer pressure. She confirmed that groupthink on campus was strong, among both students and professors. After the lecture, she took the plunge and signed up with the CRs. Made the whole trip worth it!To summarize: Michelle Malkin wrote a book once, a poorly researched and ill-thought out advocacy of the wrongful imprisonment of Asian-Americans. It turns out later, allegedly, that the reason more Asian-Americans don't agree with her is "groupthink." That sounds pretty reasonable to me. Huh?
[edit]: it's only that one picture where she looks like my girlfriend, and it's worth noting that my girlfriend hates her more than anything