March 9, 2006


Some ballbag wrote an article in Salon about nanotech wherein he makes some really interesting arguments in the lamest possible voice. I can't really claim to have a firm handle on all the science (then again, I dunno if he does either) but essentially it boils down to this:

1) So we're building these nanobots to cure cancer and shit by putting a little protein hook on them that only lets them interface with cancer cells.
2) But calling them "bots" is kind of a misnomer cause they're built with biological as well as synthetic material. So somehow they actually could be said to constitute a new form of life.
3) For some reason that I don't understand it's pretty likely that these little fuckers are going to start up their own evolutionary curve at which point they're existing symbiotically with us as some kind of new life-form that's not entirely based on carbon.
4) So we cease to be "human" per se, which gives him the authority to make crazy overwrought claims about the End of Humanity etc. Presumably, this could lead to really bad things, but I can only think of the awesome things that would happen. The best band in the world got that way by pretending to be robots: I'm no scientist, but I imagine that an actual cyborg band could in fact generate amounts of Robot Rock that would push the boundaries of hypermath.


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