August 12, 2006

Who is The Dartmouth's Worst Op-Ed Writer?

We'll have to keep this poll informal, without the benefits of radio buttons or bar graphs or pie charts or things like that, but I am interested in your answers to the above question.

My vote, I think, has to go to Maxwell Bryer. There is something extraordinarily irritating to me about the way he manages to completely ignore the possible existence of even the slightest touch of nuance in any of his op-eds. Not only that, but he seems to feel that his audience is simply thick and cannot understand something if it is only said once. Exemplum gratia:
[S]ophomore summer remains a "real" term despite our deepest desires to transform it into "Camp Dartmouth" in both name and practice. The papers and exams are still there and the grades most definitely count. This is a fact that cannot be denied, sidestepped or ignored no matter how much beer in which we attempt to drown it. This is the unfortunate truth of sophomore summer that we must all accept.
Okay, well, while I'm at it (Ben Taylor, if you're reading this, I'm really sorry--I'm not trying to just start D-bashing, but this kid really pisses me off), here are one sentence summations of his 6 op-eds.
Well, there you have it—the authorial career of one Maxwell Bryer. May a boll weevil nest in his motherboard.


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I emphatically second the deb wassel nomination.

  2. "I, for one, am taking action against this travesty of American film. I will not stand for it. To this end, I have just recently purchased on E-bay an original, unaltered VHS copy of the Star Wars trilogy which I will one day show to my children so that they may experience it as I have."

    because when a film is on VHS, that film is FOREVER.

  3. I sincerely hope this person is not a journalism major - or an English major, for that matter.
