September 25, 2006

"True Illusions"

God damn, I'm sick of all this, but I do want to say how much this particular type of statement pisses me off.

Andrew Eastman writes in the D today: "Much has been written lately about a 'small cabal' of alumni and undergraduates creating the 'illusion' of discontent with the proposed alumni constitution... [but] It seems more likely that the undergraduate disapproval isn't an illusion, but a fact; the true illusion is that we all support this project."

That's ridiculous. Disapproval of the College is in no way, shape or form a necessary or sufficient condition for a belief that the constitution has some flaws, the force and weight of which are, I believe, an open question. These two elements—dissatisfaction with the College and disagreement with the Constitution—have no causal relationship whatsoever.

If you're an alumnus/a, you may by all means use your vote on this constitution as a referendum on Wright and the College's current trajectory, but it would be about the dumbest thing you could do with it. Vote on the damn document, not your beer-sodden memories. Those, Mr. Eastman, those hazy, halcyon recollections are your "true illusions," not widespread student dissatisfaction with the College.


  1. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Face it, Seal, you're officially a Republican.

  2. Face it, anonymous, you're not intelligent enough to make a better remark.
