Over at Joe Malchow's new intercollegiate conservative blog Editorial Board, Ilya Laskin of Boston Univ. has a post called "Conservatism--A C*%k-Block" lamenting,
Alas, I am without female companionship. Unless, of course, the girl I've been religiously stalking qualifies as a partner. But being a self-proclaimed conservative, I've found dating to be particularly difficult at college. As if it wasn't bad enough having to overcome insecurity and overwhelming self-conciousness, I now have to deal with political differences. Case and point [sic]: A girl who, for sake of anonymity, shall be henceforth known as Unsuccesful Hook-Up Attempt #7, expressed to me her fear of what she felt was an inevitable draft. I sent her a nice article from Slate explaining how the controversy over a military draft was nothing more than a democratic ploy to garner opposition to the war in Iraq. Her response? "You're so naiive." I was astounded. I didn't know how to respond to her. From what I gathered of her intellect, hand puppets seemed like the only method of teaching that would have any effect on her. Oh well....She's probably a lesbian anyway.
Meanwhile Jason Broander of U Chicago, in his post "On Republican Girlfriends", writes that
Mine, alas, is staunchly liberal. The advantage of this, though, is that I have to keep my wit sharp and my arguments sound. But one day, I'll assimilate her...
You can also find them fawning over a picture of Natalie Portman posted on there -- good look with that, lads.
No women contribute to the Editorial Board.
Has anyone considered what, in fact, they are editors of?
ReplyDeleteNot to mention they are hosted by the Dartmouth Beacon.
From what I can tell, this "Editorial Board" website is some sort of "Star Trek" fan club.