April 11, 2005

SA elections are stranger than Alexander Payne's "Election"

In today's D: the Student Assembly presidential election is off to immediate controversy, with Paul Heintz's campaign -- which I'm loosely a part of -- getting a warning from the Elections Planning and Advisory Committee about an illegal BlitzMail message sent out by a supporter, and with an EPAC investigation into postering by Noah Riner's campaign, which has been absolved, claiming the allegations were a smear tactic by an unspecified opponent. Serious shit! Makes the trustee election look like a silly high-school affair, doesn't it?

Best of all, the posters in question featured Noah arms crossed looking fairly buffoonish, with the large message

Vice President '04
Tucker Intern
Varsity Athlete

Shteak! Who could be the ad wizard behind this ad wizardry? Riner's campaign manager, one James S. C. Baehr?

Already too good to be true.

Stay tuned to the blog for updates on this election. And vote Paul Heintz for SA President.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I don't know where this blog comes off discussing my socioeconomic status, and I'd just like say that we need to cultivate a culture of life in the Dartmouth SA election.
