November 7, 2005

Virginia, New Jersey--VOTE!

If you have a vote in the states of Virginia or New Jersey, for G-d's sake, vote.

New Jersey:
Polls: Corzine leads 52-45%, picking up two points since the last poll, but his opponent, Doug Forrester picked up seven (38-->45%).

Rasmussen: Kaine (D) 49%
Kilgore (R) 46%
Margin of Error 3%

Shenanigans (Republican):

WaPo: "Mr. Kaine offers a path forward, while Mr. Kilgore represents a return to the past."

(Hat tip for all links to DailyKos)

Elections tomorrow.

Or, if you don't really like politics, you can submit your idea here for the new New Jersey state slogan.

"Perfect together" apparently is getting a little too hot with all this crazy talk of dudes marrying each other.

Update: Corzine 50 - Forrester 44 ; Kaine 52 - Kilgore 43

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